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Top vegetables to grow in your garden

What could be better than breezing out to the garden on a summers day to snip some freshly grown salad and herbs to accompany your meal? Why not make a new year’s resolution to grow some vegetables in your garden?

Gardening organically can be more challenging, but by working in harmony with the diversity of soils and insects in your garden patch, you can maximise your success and your harvest.

Top vegetables and fruit for your vegetable patch:

Root vegetables – including carrots, potatoes, beetroot and parsnips all can grow overwinter and require less maintenance.

Fruit trees such as plum and apple are easy to grow and are a good alternative to imported varieties which make up 90% of the supermarket stock.

Fruit bushes such as raspberries and blueberries are good and easy to grow. Tomatoes are a great one too especially if you have a sunny space in the garden.

Salad and kale will provide healthy greens for the table throughout the growing season.

Top tips for success

Top Beneficial plants for organic veg growing:

Borage – adds nutrients that boost disease resistance in nearby plants.
Sweet Alyssium – plant near potatoes and beans as it encourages wasps that feed on aphids.
Alfalfa – plant with beans and lettuce, it adds nutrients to the soil.
Mint – encourages earthworms to condition the soil, plant with cabbage family
Marigolds – keeps away root pests.
Lavender – plant with fruit trees as encourages bees and ladybirds.
Nastursium – plant with cabbages and fruit trees to repel aphids.

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