Santa at Airfield Estate 2024

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UN International Day of Forests


    On March 21st we’re celebrating the UN International Day of Forests- a day to help raise awareness about the importance of all types of forest and woodlands and to show how critical they are to our planet from a global level down to a local level.

    There are many ways in which sustainable, healthy forests and woodlands have a positive effect on our planet and our local environments. Urban trees act as air filters, removing pollutants and making cities healthier, reducing noise pollution, providing a source of local food, helping to regulate and filter water, help to maintain habitats and bio-diversity and they also provide protection against wind erosion. Growing trees soak up CO2 from the atmosphere and store it in their trunks, roots, leaves, and forest soils.

    During Airfield’s redevelopment in 2014, we planted over 3,500 trees on the estate and continue to add to our woodlands every year. We contribute to the UN Sustainable Development Goals in as many ways as possible.

    For International Day of Forests, we join with our neighbours around the world, celebrating our beautiful forests and local woodlands. On this occasion, we contribute to the UN Sustainable Development Goals 4 (Quality Education) and 15 (Life on land) in particular. Here are some of the ways we celebrate Forests and Education:

    On our forest camps and workshops throughout the year, children explore the native woodland areas of Airfield Estate, learning about forests, habitats, bio-diversity and develop new skills like fort building and food foraging. These skills will enable them to bring knowledge and respect for the woodlands through their life.

    Foraging Workshops and guided foraging walks are always a very popular event at our annual festivals, as are the workshops held throughout the year, where people can drop in and join a walk with one of our trained guides.

    During the summer months, we train school teachers in the use of forest school teaching methodologies in schools. The impact of this will be greatly beneficial to the children who are taught by our trained teachers.

    We encourage you to get out and explore the native forests in your locality and take the time to appreciate how much they are doing for the planet each and every day.

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